Migrant Talent Connector

Supporting Tasmanian Migrant's Meaningful Employment

Providing Tasmania's Skilled, Business, Student and Partner migrant community access to individual, holistic and ongoing opportunity to gain meaningful employment and business support.

We believe that all migrants to Tasmania have great potential, can find suitable, ongoing work here and begin to create a fulfilling, complete life for themselves and their families.

About MTConnector

Migrant Talent Connector Inc. (MTConnector) is a membership-based, not-for-profit organisation that focuses on increasing migrants' individual cross-cultural awareness, workplace skills and community experiences, then actively connecting each person to meaningful employment, networking and/or entrepreneurship opportunities.

Our small team of passionate professionals consider migrants play a significant part in making our island more dynamic and inclusive because they enhance Tasmania’s skill base and overall economy, increase the cultural diversity of each community and the cross-cultural understanding of all people living in Tasmania.

Our Services

We offer the wide range of services listed below as our members have requested assistance in these areas to date. If you need a service that is not offered, please do as they did, and contact us with that request.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why not? We not only provide job-seeking assistance before AND after you get a job, but we also connect you to multicultural community activities, new friends and new opportunities.

We don’t have one. We meet our members in the greater Hobart area in flexible locations (e.g. café, library, community centre) at flexible hours (including after-work hours and weekends). We find it’s better to make appointments to suit your timetable rather than keeping office hours.

This answer depends on the position you want to get. We can assist anyone, and at any level of English.

Definitely! We provide regular group sessions and we are ALWAYS there to help after you get your work role too.